Billing Frequency

Billing Frequency defines how charges generated in a contract are billed out. All charges within streamOS are pro-rated on a per day basis in the system - they are then grouped and added based on the billing frequency to generate and total to be charged.

streamOS supports generating billing on a per day, per week, per month or per year basis. With an appropriate use of contracts and billing frequencies contracts can be billed at any day and frequency.

  • Type : the offset to use to calculate the frequency
    : CALENDAR: all offsets are based of a calendar start date
    : CONTRACT: all offsets are based of a contract start date - of the associated contract
  • Interval : The number of periods
  • Frequency : 'D' for days, 'W' for weeks, 'M' for months, 'Y' for years (Interval:2 and Frequency: 'Y' = once every 2 years)
  • anchor : Use the beginning or the end if each generated period
  • eq : for periods with unequal days - equalize the amounts generated by them


Contract : ``` Start Date: 2024-11-26 End Date: 2025-11-26

Scenario 1: Type: CONTRACT Interval: 2 Frequency: 'M' anchor = 'S'

Interpretation: Bill all charges generated by this contract every 2 months from the contract start at the beginning of each period

Dates Generated: ['2024-11-26', '2025-01-26', '2025-03-26', '2025-05-26', '2025-07-26', '2025-09-26', '2025-11-26']

Scenario 2 Type: CALENDAR Interval: 2 Frequency: 'M' anchor = 'S'

Interpretation: Bill all charges generated by this contract every 2 months from the calendar start at the beginning of each period

Dates Generated: ['2024-11-01', '2025-01-01', '2025-03-01', '2025-05-01', '2025-07-01', '2025-09-01', '2025-11-01']

Notice the difference between the anchor dates - one anchors off the contract start and the other uses the closes calendar month of the contract.

Please note that billing frequencies of contracts influence those of the contracts below them